Our Top Inman Connect 2016 Take-A-Ways(and other random thoughts) Take 2

So it’s been a week and half or so since you heard from me last so you’ve had time to digest what it means for you to beREMARKABLE! (remember the purple cow?) Now lets really delve in to why YOU and only YOU can make your business a booming success or why you may have to move back in with your family and trade in your Pearl White Lexus for a 1981 Ford Pinto…
Technology, social media and sparkly advertising are all good and well and obviously that is what this conference was all about, but nothing can replace YOU. Guess what? You’re special!

Our value proposition, knowledge and the bull-dog loyalty and fiduciary you provide your clients cannot be replaced with any app or shiny web presence. YOU are the expert, so don’t be afraid to flex your proverbial muscle and let people know about it! Can Zillow or Trulia provide a CMA as accurate as you? I think not!

“While we are on the topic of your value lets talk about reviews. Google, yelp, Facebook, and the list goes on. You work really hard to do the best job you possibly can for your clients. Many of you even send requests to be reviewed by your past clients, some even posting them to social media to share with the world!

Well what about when you get an AWFUL REVIEW?! Do you try to hide it, or attempt to get rid of it by punching your computer screen? DONT! You are human, humans are not perfect.

What does this mean? It means that in the age of online access to the entire world with the click of a button, people won’t always like you and they’re going to tell people about it. Guess what? That’s normal! No one will trust someone who has 234,098 reviews, all of which are 5-stars. There is nothing wrong with having a bad review or two, just try not to have too many! It makes you relatable and breaks down the barrier from an online persona as the picture perfect-awesome-makes-money-hand-over-fist-and-takes-no-prisoners-REALTOR to a normal-human-being-REALTOR who’s got haters just like the rest of us. Embrace it, even comment on the review saying something like “Thank you for taking the time to review us and have a great day!”. You’re not being combative, you’re just being polite and there is nothing wrong with that!

Until next time, Stay remarkable.”
– Sam T.