What do do with bad reviews?….
Our Top Inman Connect 2016 Take-A-Ways(and other random thoughts) Take 2 So it’s been a week and half or so since you heard from me last so you’ve had time to digest what it means for you to beREMARKABLE! (remember the purple cow?) Now lets really delve in to why YOU...Our Top Inman Connect 2016 Take-A-Ways
Sometimes the truth hurts, so do some soul searching and decide what it is you are looking to accomplish with your real estate career. Be consistent- If you’re going to claim that you are the go-to technology guru (or whatever the case may be), use technology! Don’t...Understanding Your Loan: Additional Information Can Be Important
Page 4 of your Closing Disclosure is important. It is NOT just standardized form information that is identical for every loan. Review these terms: Assumption: can this loan be transferred to another person if you sell or transfer the property? Demand: can the lender...
La Mesa Apartments
Lone Star Title’s commercial team was honored to act as the title

7800 Trade Center – Eaton Corporation
Lone Star Title was pleased and thankful to be the provider of title